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100 Days Special Message Chief Commissioner Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Greetings

1. First of all, allow me to express my deepest humility and gratitude to Allah SWT for bestowing His blessings, joy and love to all of His believers. There is no strength and force besides from Allah, the Almighty and the most Gracious.

2. Time certainly moves fast. With blessings from the Almighty, today marks 100 days that I have accepted responsibilities as Chief Commissioner since my appointment on 9 March.

3. Personally, in the 36 years I have served at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), I have gone through various joys and sorrows together with the big MACC family. MACC has its own history of excellence in fighting corruption since its establishment on 1 October 1967. The continuity of excellence has to be maintained, not only for the beloved organisation but also for the people and the country.

4. We cannot be complacent with our past achievements, as the reality is that the public still demands MACC to solve 1001 problems of corruption, malpractice and abuse of power that are still happening in this country.

5. Despite this, it is undeniable that we have also faced failure, but turn it as a lesson that we will not repeat, and at the same time treat it as a chance for us to improve our weaknesses.

6. I would like to reaffirm that moments like this 100 day today is not something that I need to celebrate personally. Instead, it is more towards our togetherness as members of MACC to fight corruption and plan our next step to see what we have to implement in the future for the public and the country.

7. We have to turn this mark in time as a point to continue moving forward to the future.

8. As I have always reminded, perform duties with togetherness, unity and harmony. Serve and carry trust for the organisation, not for the interest of any individuals, not even for myself.

9. Throughout what I have been through all this while, not just in these 100 days, I highly appreciate and am thankful to all members of MACC who always support me. My hope is that everyone continues to lend their perfect cooperation.

10. I promise to continue upholding the trust and responsibilities in accordance with MACC’s mission and vision.

11. Lastly, let us stand together and carve resolutions within ourselves to accomplish our agenda of fighting corruption to create even bigger and sweeter achievements in the years to come. Realise MACC’s vision to become a leader in corruption prevention solutions in this country. Besides that, we must never forget to pray together so our efforts are always blessed by Allah SWT.

Wabilahitaufik Walhidayah

Datuk Seri Haji Azam Baki
17 June 2020

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