Education News

IBR: Malaysian Volunteer Corps Department (RELA) Kelantan strengthens understanding in the fight against corruption

KOTA BHARU, 6 Sept - Malaysian Volunteer Corps Department (RELA) Kelantan in collaboration with the MACC Kelantan strengthened its understanding in the fight against corruption by holding an Anti-Corruption Talk and Corruption-Free Pledge Ceremony (IBR) at Dewan Lanas 1, Jeli, Kelantan with 45 RELA staff.



The ceremony began with "Living with Dignity Without Corruption" talk delivered by PsK Wan Siti Junaida binti Ismail, Head of Community Education Unit, MACC Kelantan. The speaker also discussed on the issues of corruption among RELA enforcers in executing orders.



Members of RELA Kelantan has expressed their commitment to fight corruption through IBR Pledge led by YBrs. PPjKR Muhamad Aimran Hakim bin Abdul Alim, Director of RELA Kelantan.



The IBR ceremony was officiated by PKPj Zakaria bin Taib, Deputy Director (Operations) of MACC Kelantan. In his speech, he hoped that the spirit of the IBR will continue to be uphold in the fight against corruption.

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