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IBR: Corruption Free-Pledge and Signing Ceremony with Kuantan Land and District Office (PDT)

KUANTAN, 8 August - The Corruption-Free Pledge Signing Ceremony (IBR) was held at the Kuantan PDT level involving 100 officers and staff members. The pledge is led by YH. Dato' Hajah Aida Munira binti Abdul Rafar, Kuantan District Officer at Bakawali Hall, Tun Razak Complex, KOMTUR.


Prior, an anti-corruption education talk was delivered by Ps Maizatul Idzwie binti Mat Ali, Head of Community Education Unit, Pahang State MACC on the obligation to report corruption and punishment for non-reporting corruption as well as examples of corruption cases involving offences under the MACC Act 2009.


The IBR ceremony was witnessed by PPj Shazleen binti Md Noh, Deputy Director (Prevention) of MACC Pahang. Also present were Puan Nor Diana binti Ismail, Chief Assistant District Officer, District Management Division.

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